HxD HEX Editor

2009. 11. 21. 15:29

무료 HEX 에디터들 중 제한도 없고 나름 편한 인터페이스를 가진 유틸


  • Available as a portable and installable edition
  • RAM-Editor
    • To edit the main memory
    • Memory sections are tagged with data-folds
  • Disk-Editor (Hard disks, floppy disks, ZIP-disks, USB flash drives, CDs, ...)
    • RAW reading and writing of disks and drives
    • for Win9x, WinNT and higher
  • Instant opening regardless of file-size
    • Up to 8EB; opening and editing is very fast
  • Liberal but safe file sharing with other programs
  • Flexible and fast searching/replacing for several data types
    • Data types: text (including Unicode), hex-values, integers and floats
    • Search direction: Forward, Backwards, All (starting from the beginning)
  • File compare (simple)
  • View data in Ansi, DOS, EBCDIC and Macintosh character sets
  • Checksum-Generator: Checksum, CRCs, Custom CRC, SHA-1, SHA-512, MD5, ...
  • Exporting of data to several formats
    • Source code (Pascal, C, Java, C#, VB.NET)
    • Formatted output (plain text, HTML, Richtext, TeX)
    • Hex files (Intel HEX, Motorola S-record)
  • Insertion of byte patterns
  • File tools
    • File shredder for safe file deletion
    • Splitting or concatenating of files
  • Basic data analysis (statistics)
    • Graphical representation of the byte/character distribution
    • Helps to identify the data type of a selection
  • Byte grouping
    • 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bytes packed together into one column
  • "Hex only" or "text only"-modes
  • Progress-window for lengthy operations
    • Shows the remaining time
    • Button to cancel
  • Modified data is highlighted
  • Unlimited undo
  • "Find updates..."-function
  • Easy to use and modern interface
  • Goto address
  • Printing
  • Overwrite or insert mode
  • Cut, copy, paste insert, paste write
  • Clipboard support for other hex editors
    • Visual Studio/Visual C++, WinHex, HexWorkshop, ...
  • Bookmarks
    • Ctrl+Shift+Number (0-9) sets a bookmark
    • Ctrl+Number (0-9) goes to a bookmark
  • Navigating to nibbles with Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right
  • Flicker free display and fast drawing



Version (April 3, 2009) What's new?
OS Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista


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