[기록철/원문] eMule 에서 신뢰할 수 있는 서버 목록 받기 및 ip 필터링 적용법
How to get a good IP Filter
1) In Emule Taskbar go to Options
2) Select the Security menu, at left.
3) Select the top box "Filter servers too"
4) In the box after " Filter level:<" write 127 and push the "Reload" button located close it
5) In the box bellow the title: " Update from URL:(filter.dat-or PeerGuardian-format)" paste this link: http://emulepawcio.sourceforge.net/ipfilter.zip and after push the close button "Load"
6) Inmediatelly the download wil be start
7) When the download has finished, push the "OK" button to save the settings and leave the Options settings.
You should to push the "Load" button every time you want to update the filter.
hope this tuto be helpful for the eMule users. I apollogise also for my
low english level. Please, excuse me if aome word it is not the correct.
See You!!!